SQL Online Training SQL Online Courses SQL Tutorial

A) Live online training using ZOOM (VIDEO enabled)
b) 40-hour course in 5 weeks. Most of the SQL Server DBA Jobs in the industry expect the following add-on skills. Hence, we offer these skills-set as FREE Courses (Basics) to ease your learning process and help you stay ahead of the competition. At the end of this section, you will be in a position to test the connectivity while installing and also able to enable and disable features.

sql dba training

Click HERE to download the training brochure (course topics and more details). Home work assignments to the students to challenge on course topics. Empower your team with new skills to Enhance their performance and productivity. You can definitely make the switch from self-paced training to online instructor-led training by simply paying the extra amount. You can join the very next batch, which will be duly notified to you.

SQL Server DBA (Database Administrator) Tutorials

Introduction to Microsoft SQL Server and its overall SQL Server Data Platform. History and Current trends of DBMS and Database Administration. This is a very detail-oriented database administration course which has 450 pages of lab practical exercises for each student. SQL Server DBA can take care of single-machine applications, Including desktop to big internet-related applications. Being a cloud-ready knowledge Platform it assists in placing the data in the public cloud in a safe manner. Several Microsoft institutes and services Including Dotnet and Share Point make use of only MS SQL Server DBA.

Unfortunately, certification can seem like a daunting task, leaving many people to continually push it down lower on their list of things to do. Further complicating the matter, Microsoft has forced some changes that may make certification seem even more daunting than before. But as the saying goes, Knowledge is Power, so hopefully, understanding sql dba developer the current certification options will make the process seem less daunting and more attainable. SQL Server Backup and Recovery Part 3
Introduction to SQL Server Database Restore and Recovery. How to recover a database using time based recovery option (STOPAT). How to use the checksum and compression options in backup operations.

Live SQL Server DBA Projects

In this SQL course, you’ll learn how to manage large datasets and analyze real data. It is generally required that you have a degree in Computer science or Information Technology. But, if you have been working with data for quite some time then it is easy for you to shift your career to SQL Server DBA. Even if you have worked as a programmer or a developer, you can still become a professional Database Manager. All you have to do is, sign up for the SQL Server DBA Online Training course based on your requirement.

  • You will also receive a course completion certificate by Microsoft for Administering Microsoft® SQL Server® Database.
  • Microsoft SQL Server DBA is the best relational database server software that is used for data storage, retrieval of data as involved by applications, data control, evaluation, and reporting.
  • If you opt for weekdays classes all Monday to Friday you need to spend at least 90mins.
  • This decision should be made on your comfort with the type of operating system.
  • How to create tables and indexes using the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).

The entire DBA concept is very easy and have a huge career growth. We offer SQL Server DBA Training in a practical way to ensure our participant gets most of this training. SQL DBA Training at ITGuru will provide you the best knowledge on SQL databases, architecture, system design, etc with live experts. Learning the SQL Administration Course makes you a master in this subject that mainly includes various features of SQL Server, installations, configurations, backups, etc. Our SQL DBA Course module will provide you a way to become certified in SQL Server Administration.

What kind of jobs can SQL get me?

We’ll download and install for free SQL Server Developer, which gives you all of the capabilities of the full-cost Enterprise edition (though without being able to use it for commercial purposes). If there is anything that’s worth working with after completing an IT course, it is becoming a Database manager. Learning SQL Server DBA is very easy as compared to other programming languages. It will take you almost three months to learn and master the DBA techniques.


considering using the services of an Oracle support expert should

independently investigate their credentials and experience, and not rely on

advertisements and self-proclaimed expertise. All legitimate Oracle experts


their Oracle

qualifications. You see the Accidental DBA will often be self taught and so although more experienced than perhaps you are currently, they have acquired their knowledge of SQL Server the hard way. The very same knowledge can be passed on to a newly hired Junior DBA by an experienced mentor in a fraction of the time. For this reason there are a number of very desirable qualities other than SQL Server experience alone, that can provide you with a serious edge over the competition.

Upon the completion of the SQL Server DBA certification training, you will have quizzes that will help you prepare for the Microsoft certification exam and score top marks. Database upgrades are essential for harnessing new features, improving performance, and ensuring security. Watch as many SQL courses as you wish – there’s no limit. Certified courses formally recognize skills and knowledge in a particular field, enhancing professional credibility and often opening up new career opportunities. The course increases in difficulty slowly, so you’ll manually backup a database, but then later we’ll use SQL Server Agent to automate this.

  • These certifications are easy to pursue by paying the defined fees and giving single or multiple exams.
  • By the end of this
    course the student will have a functional understanding of the
    roles and duties involved in Oracle database administration and be
    able to perform basic Oracle DBA tasks.
  • We assure learners receive the most industry-relevant training and acquire on-job skills needed in SQL Server DBA roles.
  • Intellipaat offers training on SQL Certification Course, PL SQL, Oracle DBA, Oracle RAC, and SQL Developer DBA Masters Program in the Database domain.
  • Our dedicated and efficient training partners are present with you 24/7 to assist if there is an issue with the understanding of these live projects.
  • Lab work also includes installing SQL Server 2019 software and upgrading databases from SQL Server 2016 to SQL Server 2019 version.
  • Currently some of them are working in Top MNC Companies with Good Salary as Average of $100000.

Microsoft SQL Server Architecture
Understanding SQL Server system databases and business (non-system) databases. What are SQL Server Transactional logs and database recovery models. What is the difference between a SQL Server instance and database. Introduction to database management systems and databases
What is a database and a database management system (DBMS).

If you would like to learn in a short span of time, this course is a good choice. Thanks to Intellipaat, I was able to make the transition from consultant to ETL developer. Demystifying SQL Server High Availability and Disaster Recovery Solutions As data becomes increasingly crucial for businesses, maintaining its Availability and ensuring recovery during a disaster is paramount…. Keep up with the pace of change with expert-led, in-depth courses. Curate and share Pluralsight content to reach your learning goals faster.

sql dba training

Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Data Platform
Learn the hardware and software prerequisites for a successful SQL Server 2019 installation. How to upgrade databases from SQL Server 2016 to SQL Server 2019. Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Installation
What are the editions of Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Data Platform. Learn the hardware and software prerequisites for a successful SQL Server 2016 installation. Perform a successful initial installation of Microsoft SQL Server 2016.

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